Cookie Deprecation: What to Do When Google Kills the Third-Party Cookie

Cookie Deprecation: What to Do When Google Kills the Third-Party Cookie

While the phasing out of the third-party cookie has been on Google’s to-do list since early 2020, the time where the tech giant is will finally pull the trigger has been pushed back, yet again to 2025.

This move by Google to deprecate third-party cookies is part of a broader push towards greater user privacy, with 70% of Australians consumers still concerned that they don't have control over their data. While it may seem daunting for brands and advertisers who have long depended on cookies for their online marketing efforts, there are steps you can take to adapt in a world where the third-party cookie has crumbled.

The timeline

Google first announced its intention to phase out third-party cookies in January 2020, reverberating concerns over user privacy and the need for a more trustworthy and sustainable web ecosystem. Initially, a deadline of early 2022 was set for the complete deprecation of third-party cookies in Chrome but later extended the timeline to late 2024 to allow for more time to develop and test alternative solutions.

Currently. third-party cookies are still supported in Chrome but the writing is on the wall. Although over 50% of US marketers think privacy concerns will persist past cookie deprecation, they must still prepare for a future without third-party cookies. And with 75% of marketers worldwide still relying on them, there’s no doubt that this may very well shake up the industry.

Key milestones

  • January 2020: Google announces the Privacy Sandbox initiative
  • March 2021: Google confirms its intention to replace third-party cookies
  • 2022: Initial testing of Privacy Sandbox technologies begins
  • Mid-2023: There is wider testing and adoption of Privacy Sandbox APIs
  • Early 2025: This will see the full implementation and deprecation of third-party cookies

What will be the impact on brands and advertisers?

It’s no surprise that in 2023 worldwide marketers named cookie deprecation a top marketing concern. The phase out of third-party cookies will have a significant impact on the way brands and advertisers target and measure their online campaigns. Without the ability to track users across multiple websites and apps, it will become more challenging to deliver personalised ads and, more importantly, measure their effectiveness.

Brands that have heavily relied on third-party cookies for their advertising strategies may see a decline in the effectiveness of their campaigns, at least initially. This change will also affect the ability to retarget users who have previously shown interest in a product or service.

3 things brands should do leading into cookie deprecation 

While the loss of third-party cookies may seem like a setback for digital marketers, it also presents an opportunity to explore other solutions, adapt to a more privacy-centric web, and build a better relationship with consumers – one built on trust.

These are some strategies brands and advertisers can embrace leading into a world without cookies.

  1. Invest in consent management platforms 

Prioritising privacy-first marketing tools that comply with consumer laws and regulations is essential, and they often come with built-in consent management platforms (CMPs). CMPs can help brands comply with privacy regulations by obtaining and managing user consent for data collection and usage. Evaluating your existing tech stack and implementing privacy-first tools can help you build trust with your audience, while still collecting valuable data.

  1. Stay up to date with Google’s Privacy Sandbox

Google is developing a set of privacy-preserving technologies, known as the Privacy Sandbox, to replace third-party cookies. Brands should stay up to date with these developments and explore how they can leverage these new solutions for their advertising needs. Plus, actively participating in testing these solutions and providing feedback is another way to ensure they meet your marketing needs.

  1. Leverage contextual advertising 

Seen as one of the most promising solutions for cookie replacements, contextual advertising sits atop the list of alternative solutions for many brands. Why? Because it places the right products in front of customers, at the moment of inspiration — and makes it instantly shoppable. In 2022, it accounted for a third of the global digital advertising spend and was expected to increase by 2.5 times by 2023.

We already know that 86% of customers think it’s important for digital ads to appear among contextual content, which is what makes targeting consumers with content similar to that which they are already consuming so powerful.

Explore contextual advertising with Trendii

Whether you're a content platform or a brand, Trendii can help you tap into the power of privacy-friendly, high-intent advertising. Without the use of cookies or personal data, you’ll be able to deliver targeted, relevant placements that engage customers in their moment of inspiration.

Head to our website to learn more.